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Pinewood Derby Complete Car Kits — “Physics Lecture” (CLONE)

Pinewood Derby Complete Car Kits — “Physics Lecture” (CLONE)


Fast Pinewood derby kits! BSA – compliant complete pinewood derby car. Before your purchase, please check your local rules. If you are unsure about the terminology, just email us, we will get you what you need. See what makes our kits different! 9 different reasons. All Kits are 7 inches in length. All kits are 1.75 inches in width. All kits have a minimum ground clearance of 3/8 of an inch. All kits are under 1.25 inches in height unless stated otherwise.

What makes our kits different than everyone else? Our kits come with those speed tips that everyone says to use and leaves it up to you to figure it out. Finally a kit that will compete against the derby dads! Our kits come with the speed tips and secrets that everyone charges you to buy their info. With our kit, and a little work on your end, you can dominate your race!

Leave them in the Dust with Axle and Wheel Upgrade OptionsMore INFO

As you can see there are a bunch of options.  Please do not get overwhelmed.  Each option has a paragraph explaining in detail.  

Scroll down to learn more…..

941 in stock

Wheel Base

Axle Polish

Axle Polish Level

Bent Axles

Wheel Type _ Check Your Rules

SKU: SKU161213 Category: Product ID: 18748


Finished pinewood derby car kit

Finished Car idea



Fast Pinewood derby kits!  BSA– compliant, pinewood derby car.  Before your purchase, please check your local rules.  If you are unsure about the terminology, just email us, we will get you what you need.   

Each kit contains:

Pinewood derby car with standard BSA slots, Drilled BSA slot distance, or drilled Extended wheel base.  You choose the type.  slowest to fastest listed

    • Weighted car to 120-124 grams (very close to final weight of 5oz)
    • 4x BSA Wheels –machined, lathed — ready to race
    • 4x BSA Axles– deburred, shaped, straightened, and polished –ready to race
    • The Perfect Gap™ wheel gauge
    • 4x cotton buffing sticks
    • Sample of Derby Dust® Dry Lube
  • This is the most complete Ready to race kit on the market today. Get the body primed to save even more time.


9 reasons why our kits are better!

What makes our kits different than everyone else?  Our kits come with those speed tips that everyone says to use and leaves it up to you to figure it out.  Our kits come with the speed tips and secrets that everyone charges you to buy their info.  With our kit, and a little work on your end, you can dominate your race!

Here’s a side by side comparison of a “purchased” kit car ready to race.  Blue car is theirs, bare wood is ours.

#1  How many kits come weight balanced?   Our cars are perfected balanced for speed.  Weight balanced ½-1” in front of rear axle for maximum potential energy.  Does it matter where the center of gravity is?  Absolutely!  Our bodies are brought up to 124 grams of weight.  With 3 light coats of paint and a regular set of wheels and axles this should be extremely close to 5oz.  Additional add-ons may cause your car to be overweight. 


Pinewood derby car kit ready to assemble Pinewood derby car kit ready to assemble

Blue car is theirs, bare wood is ours.

#2  To help correct over steering or wheel wobble, we have reduced the wheel base on the front end just slightly.  This is one of those speed tips that is easy to explain, but hard to do with a hammer and chisel.  If you take out too much, then your car will rub the entire way down the track or you have to over-gap your wheels to correct the problem.  The perfect depth is 0.10” inch.  It takes a milling machine to do it right.  Take note, some packs might not allow this modification. 


Pinewood derby car kit ready to assemble Pinewood derby car kit ready to assemble

Blue car is theirs, bare wood is ours.

See the competition’s blue body!  It can be done better!  Derby Dust offers this with most body styles!

#3, #4 We reduced the surface area at the body that could be a potential speed robbing point.  As seen on  the blue car where the wheel rubs as it ran down the track.    Our inner wheel hub area has the most amount of wood removed to reduce surface area for friction while maintaining structural stability.   We also remove the area of potential rub on the outer portion of the wheel.   Since the wood is removed, there is nothing to rub!  Check out our inner wheel area on picture on the right.  Only ¼ of the wheel ever touches the wood at one time!    

Pinewood derby car kit ready to assemblePinewood derby car kit ready to assemblePinewood derby car kit ready to assemble

Blue car is theirs, bare wood is ours.

#5  Our wheel set is machined by one of the best in the industry.  Wheels are the new 2009 mold. They turned to same diameter; high spots are milled off; and  then sanded to hide any milling marks. All BSA lettering are left alone. Wheel crimps (tread) are still visible.  This set will pass the most picky of all inspectors.  Upgraded (lighter wheels) are available which will increase your speeds.  Check local rules before upgrading.


#6 , #7 Axles.  The axles are like the engines of the derby car.  Without the best possible axles, do not expect to place. Our prepped have been deburred, shaped, straightened and sanded down to a 1000 grit finish.  In addition, the head of the axle has been cut to a slight taper to reduce the surface area which decreases friction! Then buffed to a fine shine! You can't even buy 2 of the tools needed to do this for under $25. Much less the files sandpaper, and buffing materials.

Pinewood derby modified speed axle

#8  Our bodies are low profile in front with larger profile in back.  What does this do?  It has to do with aerodynamics and decreasing drag.  We don’t waste your time with big bulky cars!

pinewood Derby Car kit pinewood derby car kit

#9  Most of our bodies utilize a quick start front end.  By having an upward tapered front end, this allows your car to release from the starting gate sooner than if you had a lower tapered front end.  It sounds crazy, but your car could start down the track before the others!

Difference between "Harley" and "physics lecture"

pinewood derby car kit

Harley has a higher rear profile.  Physics Lecture has a longer slimmer profile.


Tools need to complete you kit:  Sandpaper, wood filler, and paint.  Installation instructions can be found here:  How to build Your Pinewood Derby Car


Optional but highly recommended: Graphite  Gap Gauge  Tuning Pliers  Fine tipped Sharpie  Masking/Painter’s tape  Heavy duty cotton Pipe cleaner  wheel insertion tool 


Prep time:  1 hour to install parts.  1 day of painting time. 


DuPont™ Krytox®

Then if you choose, we can seal the prepped axle with a Krytox sealing agent.  Through our professional, industry leading, lubrication resources, we have found a substance that binds Krytox to metal.  That's right a metal sealing agent that has one of the most frictionless substances known to pinewood derby racing.  This is NOT putting a drop krytox oil on it.  This is binding Krytox to the surface of the metal.  It's like Teflon coating, but a different type of flurocarbon.  It is NOT wet!  It is DRY and will not interfere with dry lubes as it is bonded to the surface of the metal.

Yes you will still need lube. This coating will not effect the performance of graphite-meaning it will not gum up graphite. We know the physical properties of our products.  Krytox sealant is to protect the raw metal so that it does not oxidize (rust) because after all the axles are made of iron (magnetic).  If you strip the zinc coating, you need to protect your axles so they will not rust.  Dry lubes attract water vapor therefore can rust your axles overnight if you leave you car in the garage.  Believe it or not, just think about it.    

You can't even buy 2 of the tools needed to do this for under $25. Much less the files sandpaper, sealer, and buffing materials.

1000 grit Dry-lube axle pictured


We are gracing max average overall speeds of 12.5 feet per second out of these sets. or 2.45's on a 35 foot metal track. No reason you can't do the same.

Super Tuner™ Axles Upgrade

Tuning your car can be expensive on your pocket and on your axle polish job. Not a problem with our Super Tuner™ uprgade option. A simple cutout made on all 4 axle heads allows you make EZ fine tuning adjustment to each wheel without having to spend on $20 on a set of pliers that could damage your axle heads that you just got to a mirror polish. This is a must for those guys that plan on riding the rail or have to use BSA slots. Sure beats shimming with wax paper!

Run Your car on negative canter?

Fast cars are usually ran with negative canter wheels.  The easiest way to achieve this is buy using bent axles.  With a negative canter, the wheel is forced to ride against the outer wheel hub eliminating side to side wheel travel which will eat away your speed.  The tooling for this costs $25 (press and rail riding tool) and is suggested to be done using a hammer.  We have installed the same tooling in bench press to get precise, repeatable results with no scratches or maring.  We are happy to provide your axle set to canter of choice if this is something your would like.  Please also visit our YouTube channel to learn how to tune those bent axles! 



The easiest way in getting caught purchasing wheels and not using what you have in the box is the wheels with the all same mold number!  There is only a 1/64,000thchance of getting all 4 wheels the same mold.  Do NOT get caught! Our wheels are NOT mold match numbers.

DERBY DUST Lightly machined WHEEL SET:  Our Wheels are the new 2009 mold. They are 100% BSA legal. We meet even the pickiest of Chicago Engineer's Cub Scout Pack Requirements. Let me tell you those packs up there are STRICT! Wheels are turned to same diameter, high spots are milled off. All BSA lettering are left alone. Wheel crimps (tread) are still visible. This set will pass the most picky of all inspectors.   Using the NEW Inspection tool from Max-V.   We guarantee that our wheels fall within the specs below.  If you need more specialized wheels, please email.


WET SAND OPTION:  These wheel set have NO MACHINING OR LATHE WORK.  If your pack rules requires light sanding only, we offer that option as well. All 4 wheels are chucked up at one time.   Then the wheel set is ran thorough a series of wet sands 400-1000.  This eliminates the highs of each wheel.  This will make them a uniform, consistent set of wheels ready for racing.  This gives it a nice finished look and also complies with rules of your pack.

Derby Dust Asset Wheel:  Not every derby participant wants to bend the rules to win. Some may just want better than stock.  We have designed just the wheel. And meets budget needs as well. Lighter Less machining Better machining Retain all of the lettering and numbering inside so they will meet many Pack, District and Council Rules.  See More Info

Wheel Diameter – Compliance with a 1.170 inch wheel diameter specification.

Wheel Width – Complies with a .360 overall wheel width. These measurements correspond to 8mm tread patch width on most wheels.

These wheels are already visually inspected therefore this option can not be added.

If your rules are a little more relaxed, I highly suggest the Derby Worx Pro-Lite Interia wheels. With the new hub facing, they are yielding about and increase of 0.02 seconds on most of your builds. We gain about 0.035 average with the 1gram Derby Worx Ultra-Lite wheels. Most packs do not allow the last set.  On a Builders NOTE….  You will need a set of pliers to pull the axles once installed.  Because the wheels have been ligthend, you can no longer pull the axle out by the wheel.  You will bend/warp out of round.  Then the wheel will not roll correctly and you just wasted $$$.  Please don't let this be I told you so moment.

Derby Worx wheels are manufactured by Derby Worx.  They are mold matched, heavily machined (40-80% mass removal).  Derby Dust does not do any additional work on these wheel sets.  They can not be matched for inner bore diameters and they can not be inspected for flawless hubs.    Its their product, they do good work and provide a quality product.  There is no additional hand picked premium wheel sets.  

We CAN polish and prep them for racing if you choose.



Polishing Service

Simple, no smoke and mirrors. No inflated costs. Guaranteed results. You can hear and see the difference. Increases speed, decreases overall time on our track by around .01-.015 seconds on 30.75 feet measuring distance. Definitely a major difference.

Polishing removes all the micro scratches from the manufacturing and machining process. By doing so, you make faster wheel with less friction. Do it yourself ($9.95 for the kit and 1 hr of work)  or we can do it for you for a little more than the price of the kit.


Balanced Wheels

Customize you wheel set by getting your wheels balanced.  We offer this service.   Some people believe this is a must.  We have yet to formulate any data to give an honest opinion.

Wheel Accuracy = Greater Speed!  We use the Precision Wheel Balancer designed by RLN Machining.  A $25 tool if you purchased it alone.

Even the Derby Worx specialty wheels are not balanced!

Designed for a perfectly balanced wheel that will spin true. Since most packs do not allow the removal of material, we use black or clear nail polish on the inside of the wheel hub to balance the wheel. We leave the Factory BSA lettering in tact and untouched.  A set of these could mean the difference between first and third place. This fee is for labor. It takes anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hr to balance the set. There is no trick of the trade to do this. Some things just take time. GET this Service CHEAP with the bundled package! That is a $25 tool ALONE!

Asset wheels, Derby Worx wheels are not available for this option.

Mold Match

You have read up on it and believe in the Hype!  So we offer this service to you. 

Derby Worx Wheels are already mold match.  This option is not available for those wheels

Perfect Bore

Visually inspected bore free from manufacturing flaws.  Every .001 second counts and this option easily helps in that department.  These wheels are the cream of the crop and carry the price tag with them.  You'll have to buy quite a bit of  wheels to find 4 of these usually.  Since we buy them by the thousands, our selection is a little easier.

Not available on derby worx wheels.  Asset wheels already meets this criteria. 

Precision Measured Matched Inner Bore ***New for 2013-2014 season

We believe this option is more appropriate than mold match wheels.  Wheels are matched using precision certified pin gages.  Accuracy of .0002".  We are the first in the industry to offer this type of service.  Let's watch the rest follow.  Rest assured that your wheels will be as near identical as we can make them.  If all your wheels have the same rotational travel, will make it easier to tune your car and reduce wheel wobble.  No need for averaging.  We will match exact diameters. 

Not available on derby worx wheels

How to tune and align your Pinewood Derby Car!


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Pinewood Derby ® Wheels and Axles

My proven and tested theory shows that you can get the most of of your Pinewood Derby ® car with my Pinewood Derby ® speed axles and Pinewood Derby ® speed wheels while still being 100% legal ! Complete Sets with axles, wheels, cotton applicators, gap gauge, and dry graphite lube. Speeds measured at bottom of curve reaching 17fps with speeds of up to 15.5fps at the last 10 feet of track.
Top speeds are achieved with lighter wheels. Go as light as your rules allow!


San Antonio, TX 78278

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Copyright © 2022 Machine Envy, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Derby Dust® is a registered trademark of Machine Envy, LLC.
Machine Envy, LLC is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. Pinewood Derby® is a registered trademark of Boy Scouts of America.
Derby Worx® is a registered trade mark of Derby Worx, Inc.
Awana® is a Registered Trademark of Awana Clubs International. Machine Envy, LLC is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Awana Clubs International.